SociaLite Lighting Systems

Engineering for the Middle of Nowhere

Major Award from the Wright-Ingraham Institute

The 2022 Richard T. Parker grant was awarded to SociaLite Lighting Systems, to support their continuing work at scale bringing artificial light to rural communities in Ghana. As Toby Cumberbatch, President of SociaLite Lighting Systems reports:
“For subsistence farmers living in marginalized, rural communities, a tiny amount of artificial light is transformational. It has the potential to reduce rural depopulation, international migration, and intergenerational poverty. This award will enable us to install our lighting systems in some of these most isolated communities.” Read More…

The Energy Africa needs to Develop - and Fight Climate Change

Another excellent TED talk by Rose Mutiso

How to bring affordable, sustainable electricity to Africa

An excellent TED talk by Rose Mutiso

Micro-Grid Mk III Complete

The insides

CIGS 100W Thin Film flexible panel

Complete SociaLite AV Micro-grid Mk III with facilities for cell phone and general USB charging, lantern charging, 12V appliance charging and power (soldering irons, Dremel tool)
Pico video projector (top center) - audio amplifier I/O and controls (LHS of power meter) Read More…

Business permit obtained from Wa Muncipal Assembly


Completion of SociaLite AV Mk II prototype -Wa, Ghana

04f08186-98b8-4e28-9f93-57616bacbe5c5d9d57a8-5ba6-4ac2-ae81-bce416f93bbf44ada3e2-7e85-4338-972a-6a4d257bd7263e166d11-8fec-4cfd-bb29-d668ffa2c0b7 Read More…